Gender Affirming Letters

Photo of therapist, casual and supportive, Rachel Allen Counseling, North Texas DFW

There can be a lot of hoops to jump through on your gender journey. If you’re tired of the paperwork headache, I can help.

I provide letters for trans people seeking gender-affirming medical services. I only offer them for adults (18+).

I am trained to write them for established clients, and for one-time clients following a thorough assessment.

I’ve been conducting these assessments and writing letters since I began seeing clients in graduate school, and I’m happy to still be doing so!

You May Need Letters For:

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

  • Top Surgery

  • Bottom Surgery

  • Facial Feminization/Masculinization Surgery

  • Other Gender-Affirming Medical Interventions

Photo of rainbow asking for pronouns, lgbt and trans, Rachel Allen Counseling, North Texas DFW


Gender Affirming Assessment and Letter: $100 each

Insurance Not Accepted